Monday Massage and Move! Core Make For A Pain Free Back, Compress and Strengthen.
#pain #massage #exercise #betterbody #movement #tightspot #fitness #health #balance #relief
0:00 Intro
0:15 Massage for Calf Tightness/Pain
4:08 Massage for Plantar Fasciitis
9:11 Set up for Round 1
9:25 Round 1
17:56 Long Rest
18:41 Set up for Round 2
18:56 Round 2
27:26 Long Rest
28:12 Set up for Round 3
28:26 Round 3
If you have pain through movement, restricted range of motion, difficulty doing hobbies, playing with the kids in your life, and don’t feel comfortable in a gym you need Better Body Movement.
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If you have pain through movement it is likely the muscle has compensated for years. Compensated muscle means it is contracting at the wrong time or the muscle cannot fully relax. Your muscle needs to be able to fully relax and also fully contract through the correct sequence. You have trained your body for years without thinking about it. The only way to change your pain is to change how you care for your body.
Self care must include the ability to release tight muscle and also strengthen weak muscles. To start look at your daily movements. This is also known as a posture check. Your daily routine should implement strengthening that will be useful through everyday movements. You should take time to move slowly getting your brain to retrain the muscle to activate in the correct sequence.
This curriculum is meant to be a resource to you finding your pain free life. We recommend you speak with your doctor to make sure you are physically able to conduct simple exercise with the purpose to train functional movement. We have designed this program specifically for you to spend time learning your own body. This means it will be a slow process. We want small changes over a long period of time. Don’t over work yourself and end up injured.
You have what we call an abilities box (your current ability to move). A small ability box is shuffling hunched over staring at your feet a large ability box is like a professional athlete. No matter what size your ability box you should be trying to grow you skills. Things as simple as steps can be used as a training tool. Think about kids, they naturally are challenging their ability balancing on curbs, jumping with two feet, skipping, and climbing. Over time, we loose those abilities, usually do to an injury or simply because we stop doing those things.
Typically a smaller ability box is going to cause pain common problems we address are, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain/impingement, shoulder ROM, bicep pain, golfer and tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervains tenosynovitis, upper back pain, rib pain, low back pain, sciatica, hamstring cramps/tightness, quad pain, knee pain, calf and achilles pain and plantar fasciitis.
It is time to break the cycle.
You need to start with correcting pain problems first. Through addressing the immediate painful areas you will be able to change the way you feel each day. The success you feel by reducing pain you will be able to advance to movements that challenge you more and you can grow your ability box.
Immediate pain reduction usually comes from Self Muscle Release and corrective exercises. You need to build a foundation of movement with simple exercises you can perform nearly pain free. If you are currently in pain you should not perform the exercise routine above but you should get started with just three corrective exercises.
In order to relieve your pain, you will need to be patient and work exactly as described. Self-massage for pain relief is simple and quite safe when you follow the direction provided. If you have not seen the video on SMR 101 view that video here:
Use your pain as an indicator of what you're getting out of it. Pressure that is too light doesn't seem to make a change, pressure that is too hard will lead to tighter muscles and more pain. I want you to get the most benefit so think of it this way. On a scale of 1-10, 6 is "ouch that hurts but I can breathe" and seven is "ouch that crap hurts." You will find your muscle will best relax when you hover between the 6 and 7. Make sure you allow the muscle time to heal. The best healing comes from a 48-hour break. Make sure you hydrate and continue to move through your daily movement patterns.
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Move Well. Live Well.